Dental Implant Procedure Steps
The absence of one or more teeth can have a significant impact on your daily life, affecting your work, mealtime and oral hygiene routine. For some individuals, missing teeth can even lead to a decrease in their overall quality of life. At our office, we understand the importance of your smile and want you to feel confident and happy. Therefore, we provide comprehensive dental implant services in Albany, Oregon, to replace your missing teeth and restore your smile.
What To Expect When Receiving a Dental Implant
Getting a dental implant consists of several phases. Upon your initial visit, we will utilize our state-of-the-art technology and expertise to evaluate your suitability for treatment and strategize your personalized plan.
A personalized dental implant plan is integral to achieving maximized results in dental restoration. It ensures that the implants are tailored to your specific needs and anatomy, thereby enhancing comfort, functionality, and aesthetic appeal.
At Pinnacle Dental Associates, we use a CT scanner for precise planning and a surgical guide to guarantee the accurate placement of implant posts in the planned locations and a seamless procedure.
During the dental implant services, we will evaluate the health of your mouth and determine if your jawbone is prepared for the implantation process. We will also capture images that are necessary to plan for the placement of the dental implant. A dental implant procedure is a form of oral surgery, so we will make sure that everything checks out before proceeding.
The subsequent phase involves the creation of a new root for each artificial tooth. This process is referred to as an “implant” because it entails inserting a rod into your jaw to provide maximum stability for your tooth restoration.
Once your new root heals and fuses with your jawbone, you can begin the final stage of the dental implant process: restoration. We will place a crown on each implant that will resemble a natural tooth. Our utmost priority is to match your new set of teeth with the color and overall appearance of the rest of your unique smile.
During this process, there is no need for you to visit any other office. We will provide you with a simple schedule for your visits and will guide you through every step.
Benefits of Dental Implants
Once you have your dental implants, you will notice a few benefits:
- Because your implants are firmly fixed in your jawbone, there will not be any movement or clicking.
- Your replaced teeth will be as robust as your natural teeth, allowing you to eat and clean them normally.
- You can choose to use your implanted roots for other purposes, such as securing a bridge or dentures instead of crowns.
We Are Looking Forward To Seeing You
Win back confidence in your smile with dental implants in Albany, OR, from Pinnacle Dental Associates! Our dentists and team at Pinnacle Dental Associates would love to meet with you to discover what you need and what we can do for you. For our dental implant services, please call 541-928-9299 anytime to schedule an appointment with Dr. Greg Renyer or Dr. Cheryl Cooper.