What Can I Do About Dentin Hypersensitivity?

Tooth pain is, well, a pain. Dentin hypersensitivity is one of the most common causes of oral discomfort, affecting nearly 60 percent of patients between the ages of 20 and 40. For people with gum disease, that number can range from 72 to almost 100 percent of patients. This unpleasant condition can make it hard to enjoy a cold cone... read more »

Smile Bright this Holiday Season

Holiday parties, family get-togethers, and long-distance Zoom calls: ‘tis the season for spreading a little warmth and light during the darkest month of the year. As we get together with our friends and loved ones after another challenging year, it’s natural we all want to look our best. But are your teeth ready to smile bright this season, or are... read more »

Use Your Dental Benefits Before the End of the Year

The end of the year brings a tide of annual reflection, holiday joy, and excitement for the future--but did you know it also means the end of your yearly dental benefits? If you have a dental benefits plan or a flexible spending account (FSA), you should plan to use your dental benefits before they expire at the end of the... read more »

The Best Candy Alternatives For Halloween

There’s a chill in the air, the leaves are turning gold, and winter’s rains have already rolled in. With Halloween just around the corner, many neighborhoods are putting the finishing touches on their spooky decorations and stocking up on candy for the big night. But as you load bag after bag of sugary treats into your shopping cart, you might... read more »

What to do About Tartar Buildup

Tartar is the enemy of a beautiful smile. Any time it’s been a little too long between dental visits, you can be sure it’s building up on your teeth. And once you learn what tartar is, you’ll probably be even more eager to get rid of it. Any time you eat or drink, the bacteria in your mouth mix with... read more »

In-Office Teeth Whitening: How Long Does it Last?

Tooth stains and discoloration are the bane of anyone who values a bright and brilliant smile. Based on the number of tooth-whitening products on store shelves, most people do. From whitening toothpaste to special kits, DIY tooth whitening is all the rage. But despite products showing up in every dental hygiene aisle, the promised results are often too good to... read more »

What is Diastema and How Can I Treat It?

If your dentist says that you have diastema, your reaction might range on a spectrum from unease to mild panic. But even though it sounds like a horrible disease, the reality is much more innocuous. Diastema is a fancy word for a simple condition: a gap between your teeth.  The diastema definition comes from the Greek word meaning “the space... read more »

Why You Should Use C-Shape Flossing

Do you know the correct way to floss your teeth? There’s a little more to it than you might think. While many people have turned to floss picks to make the process easier, they’re not very effective at removing hard-to-reach bacteria from your teeth and cause other systemic issues.   To keep your mouth healthy, you need to practice c-shape... read more »

How Does Sensitive Toothpaste Work?

Nothing takes the pleasure out of a delicious ice cream cone or a sip of hot, comforting tea like a sudden flare of mouth pain. Tooth sensitivity is a common issue caused by enamel wear or exposed root surfaces aka recession.. Because tooth sensitivity is usually triggered by eating hot, cold, or sweet food, it can be difficult to navigate... read more »

Can I Get Dental Veneers for Crooked Teeth?

Dental veneers can transform uneven, discolored, or chipped teeth into a perfectly radiant smile. These custom-made covers fit over the front of a tooth to improve its cosmetic appearance and make a world of difference after just a couple of visits to the dentist. But what if your teeth are too crooked for veneers? While veneers might work like a... read more »