What are Sealants?

Your child's daily routine should involve brushing and flossing, hopefully twice a day; but if he or she is continually hearing the word cavity during a dental office visit, then dental sealants might be a great option for your child.  Even when brushing and flossing regularly, it is hard to get all the plaque removed from the deep grooves of molars.... read more »

Blurring the Lines Between the Fields of Dentistry

  You understand the importance of strong teeth, healthy gums, and a straight smile. But you may not always know the right kind of dentist to see for various types of concerns. Here is a quick breakdown of three of the major areas of dentistry, and their main purposes. "What is a family dentist?" A family dentist (also called a general... read more »

Preventing sensitive teeth

The first step is to have either Dr. Kutsch or Renyer examine your teeth. They will check to be sure you do not have any areas of decay or even a broken or cracked tooth.  If you do not have any dental issues, you simply may have sensitive teeth. You should try a sensitive formulated toothpaste, usually this type of... read more »

Are you grinding or clenching your teeth?

If you grind or clench your teeth - be warned! Over time, grinding your teeth can wear down the enamel, even though it’s the strongest substance in your body. When the enamel begins to wear down, you are actually exposing the dentin or the middle layer of the tooth, which contains the hollow tubes that lead to your nerves. That... read more »

Are your gums causing sensitive teeth?

Your gums have many functions in your mouth – from holding your teeth in place to protecting the roots of your teeth.  If you have inflamed tissue within your gums, it is not doing its job of protecting the tooth roots which can lead to sensitive teeth. By taking care of your gums and teeth you are helping to prevent... read more »

Is there a right way to brush for sensitive teeth?

You might think the best method to brush your teeth is using a hard toothbrush and back and forth motion.  Although it might make you feel like you are cleaning your teeth thoroughly, you just might be causing more harm than good.  If you have sensitive teeth, brushing too harshly can cause microscopic scrapes and scratches on your teeth.  With... read more »

Help! My tooth is knocked out!

I can hear my mother saying, “Kids, will be kids!”  Inevitably when the kids are being kids, there can be an elbow to the mouth or a knee to the cheek.  Not to mention accidents involving sports or other physical activity. What should you do if a tooth is knocked out?  If it is a permanent tooth: first locate the... read more »

It is finally summer time!

You and your family have just set out on a great trip when your tooth begins to ache.  Now what?  First, do not put any pain killers, such as aspirin, directly on the gum surrounding the tooth because the medicine can burn the gum tissue.  You should clean your mouth out by rinsing with warm salt water.  Gently swish the... read more »

Ouch! That Hurts!

Drinking hot coffee or eating your favorite ice cream should not be painful.  Nor should brushing or flossing your teeth. If you feel a twinge; you might have sensitive teeth. The causes of sensitivity vary: tooth decay, gum disease, worn enamel and older fillings are all culprits. The good news is that sensitive teeth can be treated. We have a... read more »

Oral Cancer Screenings

Oral cancer is generally thought to be deadlier than other cancers, because it Oral cancer is generally thought to be deadlier than other cancers, because it has a tendency to be found in its late stages. Early detection is the key to a complete cure, and prevention is certainly possible. Research shows there are at least two distinct origins of... read more »