School is back in session and that means parents are once again faced with the task of packing school lunches. Make sure to pack a tooth-friendly lunch this year by avoiding some of the most harmful drinks. The key to protecting kids' teeth is to keep drinks above the critical pH point of 5.5. At 5.5 demineralization occurs (mineral loss... read more »
Researchers at the Center for Disease Control (CDC) recently published that nearly 70% of Americans are taking at least one prescription drug daily and more than half of Americans take at least two prescriptions daily.  Among the laundry list of medication side effects one of the most common of both prescription and over-the-counter medications is xerostomia, otherwise known as... read more »
If your dentist has indicated you have high levels of cavity causing bacteria, they’ve likely recommended you use the CariFree CTx4 Treatment Rinse as part of your homecare regimen. Here are some frequently asked questions about the Treatment Rinse… Why does it taste like pool water? The antimicrobial agent used in the CTx4 Treatment Rinse is sodium hypochlorite... read more »
Little athletes love sports drinks! These popular beverages are colorful, tasty and can be refreshing to drink after a game in the hot sun, but they can also be harmful to developing teeth. To protect your child’s smile from the acid and sugar that these drinks contain, limit their intake to only after a game, and not all-day consumption. It... read more »
What is a cosmetic dentist? What makes them any different from my local dentist? Or are they like the apples and oranges of the dentistry world? First of all, just because one is a cosmetic dentist does not make them any better than a regular good dentist. They perform two very different services that just so happen to both... read more »
If you grind or clench your teeth - be warned! Over time, grinding your teeth can wear down the enamel, even though it’s the strongest substance in your body. When the enamel begins to wear down, you are actually exposing the dentin or the middle layer of the tooth, which contains the hollow tubes that lead to your nerves. That... read more »
As the American lifespan increases, so does the concern for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and mouth, into old age. When you or a loved-one comes to see us for regular check-ups, please remember to let us know if you are taking any new medications or have changed dosage or frequency in medications you have taken long term. Why, you might... read more »