A bright smile exudes confidence, making teeth-whitening treatments important dental services. Teeth-whitening has become an increasingly popular cosmetic procedure for people looking to brighten their smiles. When you’re considering any whitening treatment, there are several important factors to consider beforehand to guarantee the smile you want. Discover some key things to know before getting your teeth whitened here. Consult With... read more »
With modern technology, you can access bountiful information right at your fingertips. However, not all information you come across is accurate. Misconceptions about dental health can lead to neglect of proper oral hygiene, mistaken beliefs about the severity of dental problems, and delay in seeking professional care. Let’s debunk common dental health myths and misconceptions to ensure you receive the... read more »
It’s never too late in the year to start setting new goals; keeping them is usually the trick. By now, 43 percent of people have already failed their New Year’s Resolutions as the excitement of a new start steadily wears off. But when it comes to things like your dental health, there’s no time like the present to embrace new... read more »
It’s obvious why so many children love the holidays. After all, who wouldn’t love a season dedicated to eating huge amounts of candy and sugary sweets. Even parents might indulge in a little extra sugar during the spooky season and beyond. But with all that additional sweetness in our holiday diets, our dental health can start to suffer. So why... read more »
Can you get a cavity between your teeth? Unfortunately, they’re more common than you might think. Cavities between your teeth–also known as an interproximal cavity–are hard to spot. They’re less noticeable visually and might not cause you much discomfort in the early stages. However, these cavities are also fairly common–especially in patients who haven’t kept up with their flossing regimen.... read more »
Swollen belly, swollen feet, and now--swollen gums? Pregnancy has many unexpected effects on the body, some of them amusing and others just downright unpleasant. But many people don’t even think about the ways that an impending little one can impact our teeth and gums. A change in gum health is common during pregnancy. Bleeding gums is a good indicator that... read more »
No matter the circumstances, getting a tooth extracted is rarely much fun. Even though the worst is probably behind you once a dentist removes your tooth, practicing proper aftercare will help your mouth heal up quickly. Of all the questions people ask after this procedure, the most common one is simple: “After a tooth extraction, what can I eat?” While... read more »
These days, people who are looking to straighten their teeth have quite a few options. However, choosing between braces and clear aligners like Invisalign can be confusing. If you’re interested in orthodontics, here are a few things to keep in mind when comparing Invisalign vs. braces. Braces: The Pros and Cons Braces have been the go-to method for achieving a... read more »
Though we don't often think about it, babies as young as 9 or 10 months can be infected with cavity-producing bacteria, which can cause tooth decay. At Pinnacle Dental Associates in Albany, dental health is a lifelong commitment. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that almost 20% of children 2-5 have untreated cavities, and the percentage rises... read more »
A wise person once said that everyone wants to have a long life, but no one wants to get old. Yet it happens. At Pinnacle Dental Associates in Albany, we believe that just because we get older doesn't mean we sacrifice our dental health. Many dental problems common among retirees such as missing teeth, gum recession, tooth damage, and yellowed... read more »